We grow together, we grow for you. The result of our common commitment projected towards innovation in the food industry…
We grow together, we grow for you. The result of our common commitment projected towards innovation in the food industry…
Our passion makes us strong, allowing us to overcome any obstacle and exceed any expectation. Hence, in just 10 years…
Maciniamo successi sempre più importanti. Anche il leader mondiale nella produzione di tortilla e farina di mais ha scelto Mill…
Mill Service conquista la fiducia di un altro importante produttore messicano di farina e si proietta con entusiasmo verso nuovi…
MS Italia sbarca in Oriente e mette le sue competenze al servizio di uno dei più grandi gruppi internazionali. Non…
The excellence of products made in Italy will be exhibited during the Ipack-Ima which will be held in Milan from…
The world’s most important event, covering processing and packaging technologies, is back and Mill Service is determined to play a…
Still many months to go before IPACK IMA 2018, but, we have been working for some time so that we can…